The History of American Presidential Elections

Not offered regularly; consult department

Introduces the main themes and topics in the history of presidential elections from 1788 to the present. Explores structures of the US executive branch, the primary, convention, and election systems, and the Electoral College. Students examine academic debates in history and other social sciences, and undertake a research project based on a past election of their choosing. Meets with 21H.061 when offered concurrently. 21H.061 is offered only in an election year (not for HASS credit) and covers the first half of the course, leading up to election day.

Related Subjects

Offered Fall 2024

Catalog Subject Faculty Level HASS Category
21H.107 21G.043

Asian American History: 1865 to 1965

TR 1-2:30, 14E-310
Emma Teng
Introductory HASS-H
21H.143 21G.056

The “Making” of Modern Europe: 1789 – Present

MW 11-12:30, 56-191
Elena Kempf
Introductory HASS-H
21H.245 21G.086 17.57

Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society: 1917 to the Present

Lecture: TR 1-2; 4-253
Recitation 1: F 1-2; Room 1-132
Recitation 2: F 1-2; Room 5-232
Elizabeth A. Wood Intermediate HASS-S CI-H

Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

TR 1-2:30, 4-237
Pouya Alimagham Intermediate HASS-H

MIT and Slavery: Research

MW 11-12:30, 4-146
Craig Steven Wilder Intermediate HASS-H CI-H

American Consumer Culture

W 11-1, E51-390
Caley Horan Seminar HASS-H

Not Offered This Term

Catalog Subject Faculty Level HASS Category

How to Stage a Revolution

Staff Introductory HASS-H CI-H

The History of American Presidential Elections

Not offered regularly; consult department
Christopher Capozzola Intermediate Half term subject

American History to 1865

Staff Introductory HASS-H

American History since 1865

Caley Horan
Introductory HASS-H CI-H
21H.106 24.912 21L.008 21W.741 CMS.150 WGS.190

Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies

M 2-4; 26-204
Danielle Wood Introductory HASS-H
21H.108 WGS.110

Sexual and Gender Identities

Caley Horan Introductory HASS-H

Renaissance to Revolution: Europe, 1300-1800

offered infrequently; consult department
Staff Introductory HASS-H CI-H

Modern South Asia

Sana Aiyar Introductory HASS-S
21H.170 17.55 21A.130 21G.084

Introduction to Latin American Studies

Tanalís Padilla Introductory HASS-S CI-H

Socialism in Latin America, from Che Guevara to Hugo Chavez

Tanalís Padilla Introductory HASS-H
21H.181 17.035


Malick W. Ghachem Introductory HASS-H

US Environmental Governance: from National Parks to the Green New Deal

TR 11-12:30; 56-162
Megan A. Black Introductory HASS-H

The American Revolution

W 2-5; E51-275
Marjoleine Kars
Intermediate HASS-H
21H.205 STS.427

The Civil War and the Emergence of Modern America: 1861-1890

Merritt Roe Smith Intermediate HASS-H

The United States in the Nuclear Age

Not offered regularly; consult department
Caley Horan Intermediate HASS-H
21H.213 17.28

The War at Home: American Politics and Society in Wartime

Christopher Capozzola
Adam Berinsky
Intermediate HASS-S

War and American Society

Not offered regularly; consult department
Christopher Capozzola Intermediate HASS-H
21H.217 11.013

American Urban History

TR 10-11; 9-450A
Glenn Seminar HASS-H CI-H

History of the Built Environment in the US

Not offered regularly; consult department
Staff Intermediate HASS-H CI-H
21H.220 11.150

Metropolis: A Comparative History of New York City

Not offered regularly; consult department
Craig Steven Wilder Seminar HASS-H
21H.226 11.015

Riots, Strikes, and Conspiracies in American History

Staff Intermediate HASS-H CI-H

History of the US Supreme Court

Not offered regularly; consult department
Christopher Capozzola Intermediate HASS-S

American Classics

Not offered regularly; consult department
Craig Steven Wilder
Intermediate HASS-H CI-H

The Black Radical Tradition in America

Not offered regularly; consult department
Craig Steven Wilder Intermediate HASS-H

Cities in the Middle East: History, Politics and Society

Staff Intermediate HASS-S

MIT and Slavery: Publication

Not offered regularly; consult department
Craig Steven Wilder Intermediate HASS-H

The Indigenous History of MIT

Staff Intermediate HASS-H

Race, Crime, and Citizenship in American Law

Malick W. Ghachem Seminar HASS-S

Gender and the Law in US History

Not offered regularly; consult department
Christopher Capozzola Seminar HASS-H
21H.321 11.026


Not offered regularly; consult department
Staff Seminar HASS-H

Christianity in America

Not offered regularly; consult department
Craig Steven Wilder Seminar HASS-H

Echoes of Slavery: Recovering the Histories of Enslaved People (NEW)

Marjoleine Kars Seminar HASS-H
21H.381 WGS.222

Women and War

Lerna Ekmekcioglu Seminar HASS-S
21H.388 U 21H.988 G

Global Commodities, American Dreams

Megan A. Black Graduate